July 30, 2018

Corporate Counsel’s New Big Risk Factor: International Privacy Law and Compliance with U.S. Discovery and Investigation Requests

The ever-growing, complex web of privacy protection laws around the world directly impacts how multinational corporations can comply with demands to respond to a…
April 19, 2022

DOJ Antitrust Division tightens leniency requirements

On April 4, the DOJ Antitrust Division announced an update to their leniency policy and issued a revised set of frequently asked questions (FAQ).
June 16, 2020

The Courts and COVID-19: Effects on Constituents

Part 2 The second of a two-part post covers courts’ varied responses to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the implications for different constituents, and what to…
August 5, 2020

With Remote the New Working Norm, What Does This Mean for the Litigation Cycle?

COVID-19 has changed the pattern of peoples’ lives worldwide, and it has faced the legal profession with its own unique set of challenges. Not only must the justice system…
June 4, 2020

Data Preservation and Spoliation: How to Maintain Security in a WFH Environment

By Joe Skalski Now that we’re well into the new work-from-home (WFH) norm, FRONTEO has been thinking about data preservation and spoliation. While we…
May 15, 2023

Growing Importance of Information Governance in eDiscovery & Beyond

The legal industry is undergoing transformational changes as aspects of information governance and eDiscovery are refined with new data governance solutions and technologies to address evolving business and regulatory requirements.
March 23, 2020

Tackle Impossible Deadlines with KIBIT-Powered AI

The Challenge A team of two attorneys faced a tight budget and an even tighter deadline. Close of discovery loomed, and extensive document review…
March 28, 2024

AI and GenAI in LegalTech

The concept of infusing Artificial Intelligence into legal technology solutions started at the onset of the digital age, around the time when smartphones became widely available and AI began to be practically applied to optimize user experiences based on prior user behavior. Brands that rushed to develop and incorporate AI into their products and services included global flagship companies such as Amazon (Alexa), Apple (Siri), and subscription-based organizations, Netflix and Spotify, that began to feature the ability to provide AI-based recommendations to users.
April 1, 2023

Important eDiscovery Considerations for Japanese Companies -Part 2

Organizations in Japan, and generally across Asia Pacific (APAC), have experienced a sharp increase in eDiscovery related work over the past several years due to a rise in cross-border litigations and investigations. It is more critical now than ever before to take stock of important considerations when evaluating and partnering with service providers that will guide and support your eDiscovery needs.
September 21, 2020

Statistical Sampling Techniques in eDiscovery Workflows: Part II

Technical Execution. The technical execution of a random sampling process is simple, quick and is fully supported in some eDiscovery platforms such as Relativity. Let’s take a look at some of the main considerations and caveats to be aware of prior to utilizing this technique for validating your workflow.
July 24, 2020

Unusual Sources of Discoverable Data

Collecting electronically stored information (ESI) is a routine challenge for eDiscovery specialists, but one that’s becoming more and more complex as our technology environment evolves. The inherent difficulties of traditional ESI collection are compounded by…
December 14, 2022

E-Discovery in Australia: Part 3 – Privacy Laws Updates and Revisions

One consistent message that seems to resonate from legislature to legislature across the world is the recognition of the fact that data - especially personal data - is both a weapon and a vulnerability, and in the quickly-evolving digital landscape of today the task of safeguarding it effectively becomes more and more difficult. The Australian legislature seeks to update its current privacy laws, which are based on both the original 1988 Privacy Act, and its later update from 2000, to reflect the rapid technological advancements that took place in the early 21st century in data collection, data storage and data analysis.
September 30, 2021

Document Review in Today’s Pandemic

Legal departments rushed to transition their teams to work from home in order to adhere with the highest precautions.
February 16, 2023

Cybersecurity part2

Cyberattacks that use AI are currently rare and limited to social engineering applications, (such as impersonating an individual) or used in ways that aren’t directly observable by researchers and analysts. However, the quantity and quality of advances in AI have made more advanced cyberattacks likely in the foreseeable future.
October 26, 2021

Cybersecurity Month Article:2-Factor Authentication for Extra Safety

October is the 18th Annual National Cybersecurity Awareness Month in the United States. It is sponsored by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and the National Cyber Security Alliance. This year’s theme is “Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart.” Being Cyber Smart includes awareness of current threats like business email compromise (BEC), phishing, ransomware, and supply chain compromise.
May 7, 2023

Challenges with Messaging Apps & Related Data Retention Considerations

Messaging apps have become a ubiquitous form of communication, with billions of users worldwide. They have changed the way we communicate and share information with others in our personal lives and business, such that employees now routinely use messaging apps to conduct business. As the use of messaging apps has grown, so too has the need to collect data from these apps in a forensically sound manner from corporate-managed systems, as well as mobile devices for legal or investigatory reasons.
December 10, 2021

Cloud Computing Today and Beyond

Cloud Computing, or the ability to use software and data storage over the internet rather than on a local physical device, has greatly increased over the past several years, skyrocketed during the pandemic, and is predicted to continue growing into 2022.
July 9, 2018

Challenges of eDiscovery for FCPA Investigations in Japan

When discussion of bribery and corrupt business practices comes up, it’s common to think of China and Russia, and the high profile investigations in…
January 7, 2020

We’re bringing Smarter AI to Legalweek New York 2020

Using Smarter AI via our KIBIT AI engine we then process your data set. This results in fewer documents, with greater relevance, for review. In turn, our clients spend significantly less time during the discovery review phase leveraging KIBIT Automator’s AI technology.
November 18, 2021

Legal Technology Has Record VC Investment In 2021

2021 has been a record year for legal tech: $1.4 billion was invested by venture capital firms in the first half of the year, which is more than in the entirety of 2020, and well above what was raised in 2018 and 2019. Leading the investment boom are startups like RocketLawyer (which provides legal services to individuals and small businesses), Verbit (voice transcription for the legal sector), Notarize (digital notarization), and Clio (cloud based CRM).