August 16, 2018

For eDiscovery Professionals, the GDPR Cloud Offers a Few Silver Linings

The new General Data Protection Regulations (known as GDPR) rules were agreed upon in Brussels in 2015 and took effect in May, 2018. GDPR…
December 14, 2022

E-Discovery in Australia: Part 3 – Privacy Laws Updates and Revisions

One consistent message that seems to resonate from legislature to legislature across the world is the recognition of the fact that data - especially personal data - is both a weapon and a vulnerability, and in the quickly-evolving digital landscape of today the task of safeguarding it effectively becomes more and more difficult. The Australian legislature seeks to update its current privacy laws, which are based on both the original 1988 Privacy Act, and its later update from 2000, to reflect the rapid technological advancements that took place in the early 21st century in data collection, data storage and data analysis.
April 1, 2023

Important eDiscovery Considerations for Japanese Companies -Part 2

Organizations in Japan, and generally across Asia Pacific (APAC), have experienced a sharp increase in eDiscovery related work over the past several years due to a rise in cross-border litigations and investigations. It is more critical now than ever before to take stock of important considerations when evaluating and partnering with service providers that will guide and support your eDiscovery needs.
July 25, 2018

New to Asian Language eDiscovery? Challenges posed by CJK

Economic integration in the ASEAN region, public investment, increased M&A activity, and the expansion of foreign and domestic multinational corporations are driving regional legal market…
October 14, 2021

New Cybersecurity Regulations in the PRC

Regulation of cyberspace and the ability to access personal user data is a global, sweeping phenomenon that is undergoing immense change. Countries and societies around the world have had to confront questions about: What is private? What is sacred? What rights do individuals have to privacy? Where should the ability of corporations to access personal user information begin and end?
October 10, 2017

Know Before You Go: Does What Happens in China (eDiscovery) Have to Stay in China?

Cross-border investigations and litigation are not a new business for U.S. legal teams, and they have never been easy, especially in countries with stringent…
November 2, 2021

US and EU New Guidelines and Views on AI : Part2

This is an opinion piece by FRONTEO data scientist in response to the article “US and EU New Guidelines and Views on AI” published on October 20th.
December 6, 2022

E-Discovery in Australia: Part 2 – The Road to TAR Adoption in Australian Legal Market

Technology Assisted Review (often shortened to TAR) has been making inroads in most major litigation markets. The progress hasn't been as speedy as some would have liked, perhaps, but law is a cautious and conservative field and even technological advancements that promise to herald a new era of efficiency in legal discovery and document review must wait until sufficient precedent has been accumulated by those daring justices and judges who are willing to give technology a chance.
October 12, 2023

Handling Audio and Video Files to Meet eDiscovery Requirements

In this blog, we will discuss a few key challenges associated with handling audio and video files, cover best practices, and provide an overview of currently available solutions to help overcome nuances with these unstructured data types.
October 24, 2019

Compliance programs for Asian corps

Last year, Maruyasu Industries, an auto parts manufacturer of steel tubes, was fined $12 million for its role in a criminal conspiracy to fix…
January 24, 2017

The Ascent of Business Intelligence in the Legal Market; eDiscovery BI Research Findings

Search Google for the words “legal business intelligence” or “analytics for law firms.” Millions of blog entries, industry articles, and (of course) advertisements hype…
August 1, 2018

CJK Indexing and Processing and Search, Oh My!

A previous post on Chinese, Japanese and Korean (CJK) related eDiscovery outlined the language and technical challenges presented by Asian language content. Once the…
November 26, 2021

Artificial Intelligence In The Life Sciences

Artificial Intelligence is a way of using technology to analyze large amounts of data in much less time than it would take a human user, and to make predictions based on this data that can be helpful for a variety of applications. Deep Blue’s legendary chess match against Kasparov is a classic example of AI and its ability to predict certain outcomes based on data.
May 7, 2023

Challenges with Messaging Apps & Related Data Retention Considerations

Messaging apps have become a ubiquitous form of communication, with billions of users worldwide. They have changed the way we communicate and share information with others in our personal lives and business, such that employees now routinely use messaging apps to conduct business. As the use of messaging apps has grown, so too has the need to collect data from these apps in a forensically sound manner from corporate-managed systems, as well as mobile devices for legal or investigatory reasons.
January 20, 2021

Livingston vs. City of Chicago: What it means for eDiscovery

Technology Assisted Review (TAR) is now considered an essential tool in eDiscovery. Its popularity is, of course, closely tied to the increasing amounts of data used in litigation, especially when contrasted with the time, accuracy and cost of manual review.
April 19, 2022

DOJ Antitrust Division tightens leniency requirements

On April 4, the DOJ Antitrust Division announced an update to their leniency policy and issued a revised set of frequently asked questions (FAQ).