On June 21st (ET), in collaboration with Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP, FRONTEO hosted a free webinar on “How Japanese Companies Can Gain an Advantage in US Litigation".
Ryan S. Goldstein, Managing Partner at Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP, delivered an excellent presentation about how Japanese companies actually have advantages in US litigations that other parties do not, and further how to limit any disadvantages they may have as a foreign company. He also explained how Japanese companies can put themselves in the best position possible in a US litigation.
Shiho Tanaka and Vlad Lobatchev of FRONTEO USA led a moderated discussion and Q&A session answering plenty of questions by more than 100 attendees.
The material referenced in this webinar can be downloaded from FRONTEO’s Legal Link Portal,(
https://legal.fronteo.com/en/fllp/quinnemanuel/webinar003); a recording of the webinar will also be posted soon. Please note that individuals are not able to register as Portal members if they use non-business or law firm-based email addresses.
FRONTEO社は6月22日(日本時間)、「いかにして日本企業は米国訴訟において有利に立つか。‐日本企業独自のメリットとデメリットの抑え方‐」をテーマにしたウェビナーを開催いたしました。このウェビナーではQuinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP のRyan S. Goldstein弁護士にご協力を頂きました。
ウェビナー参加者は100名を超え、スピーカーのプレゼンテーション及び田中志穂・Vlad Lobatchev(FRONTEO USA)を含めたディスカッションの後、質疑応答では100名を超える参加者からのたくさんの質問に回答しました。
本ウェビナーはFRONTEO Legal Link Portal(