FRONTEO hosted a free webinar to discuss the topic of " US Patent Litigation at the International Trade Commission" in collaboration with Knobbe Martens on December 7th (ET).
Sheila Swaroop and Irfan Lateef, lawyers with Knobbe Martens, provided a presentation that provided an overview of key features of U.S. patent litigation at the International Trade Commission (ITC) and its impact on Japanese companies doing business in the U.S. Afterwards, there was a moderated discussion with Vlad Lobatchev (FRONTEO USA), which included a Q&A with those in attendance. Nearly 100 people attended the webinar and were provided time to ask questions and concerns related to the topic.
You will be able to download a recorded version of the webinar on FRONTEO Legal Link Portal ( ) soon. Those who are in the same business as a law firm or have a generic, non-professional e-mail address will not be permitted to register.
The next webinar “Funded Patent Litigation – Investor financing for enforcement of your patent asset” will be co-hosted by Sughrue Mion, PLLC and will be held on the evening of December 14th (ET). Please see the webinar details here:
FRONTEO社は12月8日(日本時間)、" 国際貿易委員会での米国特許訴訟について/ US Patent Litigation at the International Trade Commission "をテーマにしたウェビナーを開催いたしました。このウェビナーではKnobbe MartensのSheila Swaroop弁護士、Irfan Lateef弁護士にご協力をいただきました。
ウェビナー登録者は130名を超え、Swaroop弁護士、Lateef弁護士両者のプレゼンテーション及びVlad Lobatchev(FRONTEO USA)を含めたディスカッションの後、質疑応答では参加者から様々な質問が寄せられました。
本ウェビナーは後程FRONTEOリーガル・リンク・ポータル (からダウンロードが可能となります。なお、弁護士事務所の同業者及びコーポレートアドレス以外の方はポータルご登録を遠慮いただいております。
また、Sughrue Mion, PLLC協賛の次回の無料ウェビナー「特許権行使のための投資家による資金調達」は12月15日午前(日本時間)を予定しております。