On November 16th (PT), in collaboration with Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, FRONTEO hosted a free webinar on “US Jurisdiction: A guide to operating in the US, selling to US customers, and/or contracting with US companies ".
Jason Lo, Partner at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, delivered a presentation about US Jurisdiction and Discovery topics targeted to Asia-based companies. He also explained common questions and scenarios for Asia-based companies such as (1) entering into contracts / transactions with US companies, (2) selling products that are purchased by US residents, (3) advertising or publishing information on websites that are accessible by US residents, and (4) operating subsidiaries in the US.
Shiho Tanaka and Vlad Lobatchev of FRONTEO USA led a moderated discussion and Q&A session for more than 100 attendees.
The material can be downloaded from FRONTEO Legal Link Portal, and the recorded webinar will also be available soon on the Portal (
https://legal.fronteo.com/en/fllp/gibson-dunn/webinar001). Users are not allowed to register as Portal members if they use email addresses of law firms or if they use non-business email addresses.
The next webinar “How to Enforce a Judgment from Another Country in the US” will be co-hosted by Norton Rose Fulbright LLP on the evening of November 30th (ET). Please click here to learn more about this upcoming webinar:
FRONTEO社は11月17 日(日本時間)、「米国の司法権:米国での事業展開、米国顧客への販売、かつ/または 米国企業との契約、に関する手引き」をテーマにしたウェビナーを開催いたしました。このウェビナーではGibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP のジェイソン ロー弁護士にご協力を頂きました。
ウェビナー参加者は100名を超え、スピーカーのプレゼンテーション及び田中志穂・Vlad Lobatchev(FRONTEO USA)を含めたディスカッションの後、質疑応答では参加者からの質問に回答しました。
また、Norton Rose Fulbright LLPと共催する次回の無料ウェビナー「他国の判決を米国で執行する方法」は12月1日午前(日本時間)を予定しております。こちらから詳細をご確認ください。