On April 19th (ET), in collaboration with Covington & Burling LLP, FRONTEO hosted a free webinar on “Important eDiscovery Considerations for Japanese Companies ".
Edward H. Rippey, Covington & Burling LLP, delivered a helpful presentation of important consideration of eDiscovery for Japanese Companies. He explained critical factors that relate to cross-border matters involving organizations in Japan, and generally across Asia Pacific (APAC), that should always be considered when selecting a proficient eDiscovery service provider.
Shiho Tanaka and Vlad Lobatchev of FRONTEO USA led a moderated discussion and Q&A session.
The material can be downloaded from FRONTEO Legal Link Portal, and the recorded webinar will also be available soon on the Portal (
https://legal.fronteo.com/en/fllp/cov/webinar003). Users are not allowed to register as Portal members if they use email addresses of law firms or if they use non-business email addresses.
The next webinar will be co-hosted by Withers KhattarWong LLP at 9:00AM(SGT) on May 18th.
FRONTEO社は4月20 日(日本時間)、「eDiscoveryにおいて、日本企業が考慮すべき重要なポイントとは?」をテーマにしたウェビナーを開催いたしました。このウェビナーではCovington & Burling LLPのEdward H. Rippey弁護士にご協力を頂きました。
スピーカーのプレゼンテーション及び田中志穂・Vlad Lobatchev(FRONTEO USA)を含めたディスカッションの後、質疑応答では参加者からの質問に回答しました。
また、Withers KhattarWong LLPと共催する次回の無料ウェビナー「フィリピン外資規制の改正に関する近時の動向」は5月18日(木)午前10:00(日本時間)を予定しております。