On August 2nd (ET), in collaboration with Alston & Bird LLP, FRONTEO hosted a free webinar on “AI: Legal issues and consideration points associated with IP and data protection in the U.S. ".
Hidetada James Abe and Maki DePalo, Partner at Alston & Bird LLP, delivered a presentation from the view of frontline about some of the issues that come up when AI is used to create new IP, or when existing IP is used by AI, including discussing some lawsuits in the U.S. Touching upon “KIBIT” - FRONTEO’s proprietary Natural Language Processing AI- they have explained wide range from very first step of AI to key consideration points from a U.S. data protection perspective with the increased prevalence of AI in our society.
Shiho Tanaka of FRONTEO USA led a Q&A session and answered plenty of questions gathered from more than 200 attendees.
The material can be downloaded from FRONTEO Legal Link Portal, and the recorded webinar will also be available soon on the Portal(
https://legal.fronteo.com/en/fllp/alston-bird-llp/webinar001). Users are not allowed to register as Portal members if they use email addresses of law firms or if they use non-business email addresses.
FRONTEO社は8月3日(日本時間)、「AI: 米国法における知財ならびに個人情報管理の観点からの法務と対応策について」をテーマにしたウェビナーを開催いたしました。このウェビナーではAlston & Bird LLP の阿部 英正 ジェームス弁護士とディパロ 真紀弁護士にご協力を頂きました。
本ウェビナーはFRONTEO Legal Link Portal(