Mr. Rippey is an attorney specializing in complex litigations and investigations, and has extensive experience in gaming, technology, mining, patent, antitrust, pharmaceutical, transportation, telecommunications, and other commercial matters. He is a co-chair of the firm's Gaming Industry Practice, which represents integrated resort facilities, including casinos, as well as gaming manufacturers and on-line entities around the world. He is also chair of the firm's E-Discovery, AI, and Information Governance Practice, which represents large multinational corporations in these areas. Mr. Rippey is consistently ranked in the top tier by rating agencies such as Chambers Global, Chambers USA, Who's Who Legal, and Super Lawyers. He is described as an "savvy and forward-thinking" litigator who "combines specific knowledge with dynamite litigation skills, deposition analysis, and case oversight."
About Covington & Burling LLPCovington & Burling LLP is a law firm founded in 1919 in Washington, D.C., USA. The firm has 13 offices in the U.S., Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, with more than 1,300 lawyers, and has received Accenture's Outstanding Counsel Diversity Award (2021), The American Lawyer's Global Legal Awards (2017), The A-List (2003-2006, 2008-2012, 2014, 2016-2018), and many others. It has served numerous Japanese corporations, trade associations, and government agencies as clients. URL:
日常的にクロスボーダー案件を取り扱っているCovington & Burling LLP Edward Rippey弁護士は、Part 1で紹介したeDiscoveryサービスプロバイダー選定における4つの考慮要素について「私たちが細心の注意を払っている種類の問題点であり、すべてのポイントについて優れたプロバイダーが必要」と述べています。2023年4月20日9:30-10:30AM(JST) Edward Rippey弁護士にご登壇いただき、本内容に関連したウェビナーを開催予定です。