October is the 18th Annual National Cybersecurity Awareness Month in the United States. It is sponsored by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and the National Cyber Security Alliance. This year’s theme is “Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart.” Being Cyber Smart includes awareness of current threats like business email compromise (BEC), phishing, ransomware, and supply chain compromise.
2-Factor Authentication for Extra layer of Safety
In this article, we will highlight how 2-Factor Authentication can be used as an extra layer of security to protect your accounts from cyber criminals. Nowadays, many e-discovery vendors use a 2-Factor authentication (2FA) service in order to safely conduct a remote document review.
How does 2FA work? With 2FA, you need “something you know” (NetID/password) along with “something you possess” (hardware token, passcode, phone, or message from a device you have set up with Duo). To log into a system requiring 2FA authentication, you will be prompted to prove that it is really you with a passcode, phone call or text message on the device you set up with Duo.
Why do we need 2FA?
Why do I need to use 2FA? 2FA provides a second layer of security, making it difficult for an unauthorized person to access your information. If your password is stolen or compromised, having 2FA set up will require the thief to also have possession of your registered device in order to access your account. Merely having your pin and password is no longer enough to change your personal information.
Of course, 2FA cannot solve all the potential security “holes” in e-Discovery. Security is never one-and-done because the value of client data is too enticing for cybercriminals. We better keep treating security as something that requires ongoing vigilance.
10月は国際サイバーセキュリティ啓発月間で、今年のテーマは“Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart.”
(自分にできることをしよう)です。サイバー犯罪からアカウントを身を守る追加防衛策として、2段階認証(2-Factor Authentication)の普及が進んでいます。2段階認証ではID番号やパスワード等の「知っている情報」と個別に設定したデバイスなどの「持っている情報」両方を組み合わせ本人確認を行います。